Yuma Mair

Completed Solves
Germany 2017MAIR01 Male 2 41

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1274 18210 74337 17.09 19.99 70218 17153 1218
2x2x2 Cube 658 10929 35767 3.72 7.02 59969 16881 1047
Pyraminx 298 5000 14373 5.05 9.93 26360 8673 482
3x3x3 Cube
Hessen Open 2017 Second round 68 21.41 23.20 22.9421.4125.2121.4433.69
First round 58 19.55 20.58 20.1319.5523.9320.5321.07
Frankfurt Cube Days 2017 Second round 62 17.09 19.99 22.9617.0917.7920.4821.69
First round 70 19.52 23.00 25.0019.5224.8820.0224.09
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