Rang Ma (马壤)

Completed Solves
China 2017MARA06 Male 4 82

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3035 9159 25256 11.17 13.25 23487 8770 2965
2x2x2 Cube 3133 10278 36739 3.77 5.41 32082 9555 3033
4x4x4 Cube 1368 3879 11084 43.77 48.30 9521 3391 1191
5x5x5 Cube 838 2585 7880 1:26.68 1:37.38 8159 2674 874
3x3x3 Blindfolded 606 1781 5384 3:01.55
3x3x3 One-Handed 2891 8509 23018 26.00 28.93 18571 7098 2519
Megaminx 729 2248 8178 1:31.81 1:36.66 7016 1940 631
Pyraminx 1039 3149 11789 4.66 7.41 11810 3397 1195
Skewb 1029 3154 12178 5.28 8.10 11310 3145 1113
3x3x3 Cube
Shenzhen Good Afternoon 2021 First round 29 11.17 13.25 13.8912.3813.4915.5111.17
Shenzhen Open 2019 Second round 65 13.02 14.83 13.0215.5117.1914.0414.95
First round 72 13.31 15.64 14.3916.6315.9117.0713.31
Shenzhen Open 2018 Second round 107 12.85 15.61 16.2716.3616.2014.3612.85
First round 121 14.17 15.54 14.4114.1717.7114.5118.38
China's 10th Anniversary Championship 2017 First round 243 17.35 18.48 18.4417.3518.0720.0518.93
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