Svyatoslav Mora

Completed Solves
Ecuador 2017MORA05 Male 4 146

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 107 2098 27580 11.45 14.11 29326 2171 105
2x2x2 Cube 89 1920 25076 3.17 5.39 31818 2274 111
4x4x4 Cube 101 1865 23982 57.92 1:04.59 22567 1765 92
3x3x3 One-Handed 43 887 11517 19.44 22.09 8725 642 25
Skewb 75 1813 28995 8.77 9.38 15703 1040 42

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 2
3x3x3 Cube
Imbabura Open 2017 Second round 13 14.32 15.34 14.6615.69DNF14.3215.67
First round 8 13.25 14.38 13.2515.4116.6614.2713.46
South Cube Open 2017 Final 4 13.12 14.28 17.5213.3613.1214.1415.33
Second round 5 13.50 14.11 14.6013.5013.6617.8714.06
First round 6 14.32 16.12 14.3218.6216.6014.4417.31
Rubik Ec Open 2017 Final 7 11.45 14.94 17.2616.1613.9111.4514.76
Second round 5 14.01 14.50 14.5314.3714.0114.6117.11
First round 8 12.94 15.23 16.3015.4113.9812.9419.63
First Ecuador Open 2017 Final 9 14.41 14.82 15.0714.4116.3014.6214.76
Second round 12 15.29 15.73 15.9916.1415.5915.6015.29
First round 10 14.43 15.82 15.2717.8017.3114.8914.43
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