João Felix Barreto Neto

Completed Solves
Brazil 2017NETO01 Male 5 100

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1740 7022 83186 18.27 22.32 84690 7113 1744
2x2x2 Cube 1517 6028 76347 5.75 8.38 79566 6128 1525
3x3x3 One-Handed 1326 4536 53687 1:00.78 1:15.48 46988 4062 1294
Megaminx 365 1524 15945 2:19.40 2:53.72 15036 1495 411
Pyraminx 603 2521 34613 7.47 12.41 44271 3053 760
Skewb 821 2737 47194 14.21 23.34 50400 2828 861
3x3x3 Cube
UFBA V 2024 First round 22 18.27 22.32 24.8522.9119.2026.3018.27
Villa Open 2018 Second round 17 22.64 24.59 26.0323.5922.6431.6624.14
First round 18 19.29 24.00 25.2028.7919.2924.9821.82
Sides Bahia 2018 Final 17 22.08 26.90 31.4726.7925.8222.0828.09
Villa Open 2017 First round 31 29.23 31.77 34.8429.9330.5541.5229.23
Oxente Open 2017 First round 22 25.80 37.63 34.1145.4945.5425.8033.28
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