Dmitry Obukhov

Completed Solves
Russia 2017OBUK01 Male 2 68

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1049 12799 51441 14.26 17.12 50879 12553 1041
2x2x2 Cube 1963 21062 75176 5.68 6.05 43386 12406 939
4x4x4 Cube 614 7416 26378 1:00.89 1:21.45 32676 9241 781
3x3x3 One-Handed 863 8631 33089 32.56 38.63 30885 7968 800
Megaminx 265 3502 11586 1:51.06 2:39.54 14314 4295 386
Pyraminx 2191 20160 65521 10.84 15.13 63058 19340 2184
Square-1 154 2141 6512 21.51 27.25 5784 1901 135
3x3x3 Cube
Izhevsk Winter Cube 2020 Second round 17 14.26 17.12 15.5018.7717.1019.4514.26
First round 17 15.41 17.63 22.4119.2616.7415.4116.90
Udmurtia Open 2017 Second round 27 29.33 32.65 34.2329.3334.1129.6140.81
First round 27 32.38 33.93 35.0037.2433.2133.5832.38
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