Samuel Peters

Completed Solves
South Africa 2017PETE17 Male 5 138

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 141 328 36960 12.55 14.42 31521 285 118
2x2x2 Cube 116 191 22776 3.05 4.72 20902 152 90
Pyraminx 139 218 26126 6.52 10.38 29520 219 134
3x3x3 Cube
Cape Town Summer 2020 Final 8 12.55 14.42 16.0815.5613.2714.4312.55
Second round 8 13.02 14.50 13.8414.0013.0218.0815.66
First round 9 13.66 15.08 17.1614.4013.6615.3815.46
Cape Town Spring 2019 Final 11 14.91 17.42 14.9116.1317.5718.5736.18
Second round 9 14.03 14.85 15.2214.3117.9615.0214.03
First round 12 14.80 17.25 16.8616.3314.8019.2518.55
Speedcubes Cape Town 2019 Second round 12 18.03 22.59 23.9419.9723.8624.2818.03
First round 9 17.05 19.88 19.4817.0520.9021.3319.26
Speedcubes Cape Town 2018 Second round 12 19.13 21.88 19.6623.6519.1324.8822.32
First round 13 23.80 25.16 26.1523.8023.9025.4228.50
Speedcubes Cape Town 2017 Final 7 23.16 27.26 29.7123.1626.8129.7125.25
Second round 7 20.52 24.55 25.0529.0325.0523.5620.52
First round 9 20.55 27.32 35.0020.5525.6631.9324.36
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