Mihai Ramirez Ruelas

Completed Solves
Peru 2017RUEL01 Male 3 28

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1116 5278 64074 15.78 17.49 53581 4295 932
4x4x4 Cube 436 2133 27466 1:02.26 1:12.79 27907 2178 438
3x3x3 Cube
Speedsolving Sakura 2017 Second round 21 16.31 17.49 21.0018.5216.3117.3116.63
First round 20 15.78 19.07 15.7818.7817.9020.6920.54
Rubik Junin 2017 First round 32 21.72 25.43 21.7223.79DNF30.3722.12
Speedsolving Huancayo 2017 Second round 20 27.05 28.47 27.1329.7734.0928.5127.05
First round 28 23.14 35.77 38.0523.141:00.6037.5031.75
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