Nicholas Schollard

Completed Solves
United States 2017SCHO02 Male 13 281

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3679 4798 18531 10.26 13.39 24408 6156 4683
2x2x2 Cube 7367 9679 34701 3.67 4.50 17692 4958 3818
4x4x4 Cube 4807 6554 25517 59.83 1:07.57 24619 6355 4654
3x3x3 Blindfolded 1646 2206 9643 7:07.55
3x3x3 One-Handed 5909 8056 31896 31.69 36.78 28727 7173 5252
Clock 2467 2999 9924 13.57 16.02 9322 2846 2354
Megaminx 1676 2322 8450 1:33.36 2:06.23 11392 3288 2392
Pyraminx 3388 4369 16774 5.39 8.45 17149 4396 3419
Skewb 1462 1859 6782 4.10 5.50 3567 939 732
Square-1 1109 1352 4053 16.45 22.55 4068 1345 1103

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 2
3x3x3 Cube
Hillsboro Open 2018 Second round 19 10.96 14.15 13.3615.3310.9616.2813.76
First round 16 12.55 14.04 12.5513.1816.6914.6214.31
CubingUSA Northwest Championship 2018 Second round 47 10.26 15.64 15.4710.2615.8315.6315.96
First round 55 11.94 16.35 11.9416.5319.0115.7216.80
Rose City 2018 First round 12 11.78 13.39 12.2113.5811.7815.3614.38
Oregon State Favorites 2018 Final 10 11.49 14.64 14.7714.7814.6814.4611.49
First round 12 13.87 14.92 16.2215.1315.3114.3313.87
Puget Sound Spring 2018 Second round 26 13.07 14.43 14.5513.3617.3315.3913.07
First round 30 15.07 16.43 16.9016.8815.0715.8716.53
Atomic Cubing Spring 2018 Second round 14 12.63 15.51 16.1915.5712.6314.9216.05
First round 15 14.83 16.35 14.8316.7017.5014.8619.87
Puget Sound Valentine 2018 Second round 30 15.65 17.54 17.9518.1115.6522.8716.57
First round 29 14.39 17.43 16.5914.3918.9921.5416.70
PDX Cubing for Causes 2018 Second round 41 16.75 18.29 17.7816.7518.6418.7218.46
First round 39 15.78 18.49 23.3415.7920.4915.7819.19
Puget Sound Winter 2.0 2017 First round 43 15.01 19.07 19.0815.0119.5223.2518.60
Puget Sound Fall 2017 First round 96 28.24 37.95 28.2434.5546.0539.6539.66
Northwest Championships 2017 First round 149 36.68 41.12 39.0541.1949.2943.1136.68
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