Jacob Valdez

Completed Solves
United States 2017VALD04 Male 6 220

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5146 6782 26511 11.29 13.38 24627 6228 4740
2x2x2 Cube 4494 5878 20761 2.93 4.97 25079 7062 5425
4x4x4 Cube 3050 4173 16846 49.68 55.97 16058 3979 2899
5x5x5 Cube 1656 2248 8619 1:29.02 1:48.83 11269 2997 2214
7x7x7 Cube 2182 2931 9879 7:30.80
3x3x3 Blindfolded 1644 2208 9687 7:05.96
3x3x3 One-Handed 1854 2537 10540 18.85 23.67 11015 2603 1902
Pyraminx 5154 6655 24778 6.35 9.39 22986 6050 4686
Skewb 2768 3533 12663 5.35 10.15 18598 5276 4111
Square-1 4030 5047 15453 45.56 55.52 13663 4521 3629

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 0
3x3x3 Cube
BeCubed Summer 2019 Final 5 12.75 13.38 14.5313.7612.7513.1213.26
Second round 7 12.67 13.92 12.6714.8713.0915.2613.81
First round 12 14.42 16.87 17.9214.4216.8417.3616.41
Las Vegas Spring 2019 Second round 13 11.72 13.82 14.7914.8114.5912.0811.72
First round 12 12.84 13.50 14.3713.2012.8413.6413.65
CubingUSA Nationals 2018 First round 342 13.20 14.11 14.0913.2014.7713.4623.13
Santa Fe Spring 2018 Final 7 13.22 16.47 19.6516.2015.3417.8613.22
Second round 8 12.80 17.25 12.8022.7015.2313.83DNF
First round 7 13.38 14.53 16.3413.6813.3814.1815.74
AZCubing Hamilton Fall 2017 Second round 11 12.56 15.68 17.2514.6212.5620.4915.16
First round 19 13.58 19.08 16.7123.8213.5819.8220.71
AZCubing Spring 2017 Second round 24 14.53 22.96 21.4221.6625.8014.5327.04
First round 21 11.29 18.61 21.7719.8717.6318.3411.29
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