Haidong Wang (王海东)

Completed Solves
China 2017WANH06 Male 4 80

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1516 4645 13096 9.43 11.42 12677 4635 1540
2x2x2 Cube 2845 9339 33731 3.62 4.82 22366 6501 2049
4x4x4 Cube 826 2440 6925 38.89 44.70 6818 2421 816
3x3x3 One-Handed 4324 13816 39279 37.72 39.25 31593 11390 3629
Pyraminx 6908 23151 87447 14.26 16.02 68465 18317 5708
3x3x3 Cube
Ningxia Open 2019 Second round 18 11.48 12.69 11.9913.4214.2911.4812.65
First round 8 10.54 11.70 10.7210.5412.9612.2212.16
Inner Mongolia Winter 2019 Final 10 10.30 11.42 11.7312.4610.6310.3011.89
Second round 10 10.44 11.66 10.8314.1910.4412.1811.97
First round 13 9.43 11.63 11.6910.749.4312.4612.85
Guilin Open 2018 Second round 22 12.17 12.73 12.5515.5012.5113.1312.17
First round 24 11.94 13.54 15.0613.1914.9111.9412.51
Inner Mongolia Summer 2017 Second round 41 11.96 15.02 11.9614.9516.3617.3013.74
First round 43 9.80 14.90 15.609.8015.6214.0815.02
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