Vinicius Byrne

Completed Solves
United States 2018BYRN02 Male 6 231

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1724 2224 8370 8.55 10.20 7151 1886 1477
2x2x2 Cube 4063 5303 18938 2.84 4.30 15021 4228 3285
4x4x4 Cube 4215 5765 22768 56.52 59.87 19131 4761 3474
5x5x5 Cube 4448 5950 21321 2:21.56
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 507 636 3051 35
3x3x3 One-Handed 2065 2808 11675 19.53 23.21 10312 2421 1760
Megaminx 5955 8103 26532 4:10.78 4:52.46 17056 4954 3543
Pyraminx 7345 9456 34225 7.41 9.62 24348 6457 5011
Skewb 3805 4859 16966 6.26 9.36 15675 4385 3409
Square-1 1370 1676 5070 18.46 22.55 4082 1350 1105

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 1
3x3x3 Cube
Oʻahu ʻOhana Cubing 2023 First round 9 9.81 13.27 14.579.8114.0513.0712.69
Hono Luau Cube Off 2022 Final 12 9.06 DNF 10.82DNF9.0617.23DNF
Second round 8 8.55 10.99 10.4311.1111.4413.778.55
First round 6 10.00 10.20 11.6810.0010.4810.0310.10
Hawaii Big Island 2020 Final 5 13.04 13.55 14.0313.3213.0413.3114.15
First round 5 12.02 13.28 14.4312.5814.4112.8412.02
Hawaii 2019 Final 6 12.81 13.79 13.4814.0813.8112.8116.12
Second round 7 13.21 14.61 13.2114.0013.3716.4618.13
First round 8 12.18 15.79 12.1821.1719.7214.5713.08
CubingUSA Western Championship 2019 First round 135 17.03 19.51 21.1117.0317.8219.6025.99
Hawaii 2018 First round 35 32.26 34.70 39.5335.6535.5132.2632.94
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