Jonatan Ariel Acuña Corahua

Completed Solves
Peru 2018CORA01 Male 5 90

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 442 2003 26276 11.30 13.71 26557 1962 454
2x2x2 Cube 520 2636 34111 3.64 8.18 77048 5903 1096
4x4x4 Cube 240 1133 14925 47.85 51.33 11949 892 203
5x5x5 Cube 141 719 10787 1:36.66 1:42.23 9485 639 122
Pyraminx 196 1120 15701 5.24 11.19 35144 2446 409
3x3x3 Cube
Peru Nationals 2019 Semi Final 54 11.36 14.53 13.7014.5716.6111.3615.33
Second round 52 12.51 13.76 13.3512.5113.6214.8914.30
First round 76 12.51 15.44 17.4712.5114.0819.1014.77
Aventura Cúbica VII 2019 Second round 32 12.44 15.27 16.3012.4416.7614.0615.44
First round 21 11.30 13.71 13.9612.4715.5211.3014.69
LTC Kids 2018 Second round 26 13.98 16.21 18.7914.7513.9817.5416.35
First round 32 15.23 17.98 19.6115.4921.1018.8315.23
Peru Nationals 2018 Second round 89 16.89 20.36 19.0920.9616.8921.0425.84
First round 116 17.03 18.51 17.0319.1418.7420.0417.64
FIGHT Peru 2018 First round 124 18.77 20.31 23.5019.4721.1118.7720.35
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