Karina Ermakova (Карина Ермакова)

Completed Solves
Russia 2018ERMA02 Female 4 170

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1070 12994 52147 14.34 17.63 54534 13432 1112
2x2x2 Cube 1106 13402 45414 4.19 6.98 59318 16712 1383
4x4x4 Cube 908 10554 37295 1:15.66 1:22.10 32997 9334 797
5x5x5 Cube 567 7172 23291 2:33.26
3x3x3 Blindfolded 246 2943 8941 5:51.20
3x3x3 One-Handed 1234 12378 46547 46.41 53.80 42148 10996 1147
Clock 527 7007 20338 30.68 32.05 16581 5565 417
Megaminx 187 2616 8707 1:34.71 1:54.94 9977 2978 219
Pyraminx 823 8892 26776 6.60 9.55 23809 7890 767
Skewb 568 7198 21810 7.25 18.60 42987 13624 1305
Square-1 321 3793 11507 32.50 39.98 10257 3339 273

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
1 0 1
3x3x3 Cube
Vladivostok Is Back On 2021 Second round 13 14.34 17.63 17.7819.1718.4514.3416.66
First round 20 17.89 20.85 20.4521.6817.8920.4122.65
Vladivostok Spring 2020 Second round 17 18.89 20.22 19.1221.0720.4618.8924.68
First round 18 18.16 20.04 18.1621.0318.8521.4720.23
CCC Qualification Vladivostok 2019 First round 28 25.34 30.59 25.3433.8330.5727.3742.15
Vladivostok Winter 2018 First round 45 35.03 37.68 36.9337.4935.0338.6258.18
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