Christian Fletcher

Completed Solves
United States 2018FLET02 Male 8 203

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 11861 15787 61446 15.47 17.13 50893 12896 9666
2x2x2 Cube 6746 8865 31726 3.52 5.70 37160 10413 7964
4x4x4 Cube 4073 5587 22103 55.81 1:16.61 30102 8034 5967
5x5x5 Cube 6982 9179 30974 3:42.79
3x3x3 One-Handed 2824 3840 15924 21.93 30.99 21367 5157 3769
Megaminx 5706 7731 25375 3:49.92
Pyraminx 14197 18210 63163 10.56 17.92 78012 22856 17819
Skewb 9589 12070 38334 11.17 18.32 42380 13596 10798
Square-1 5643 7027 21017 1:44.20
3x3x3 Cube
Sioux Fall 2019 Second round 31 16.40 19.25 16.4019.5317.4221.0820.80
First round 26 15.47 17.13 18.6215.4718.8317.2215.56
West Branch Summer 2019 Second round 26 18.15 19.00 19.5718.1519.6319.2218.22
First round 31 16.51 21.25 20.9416.97DNF16.5125.84
BarbeCubing Spring 2019 Second round 33 19.83 22.00 19.8319.9121.7024.9724.40
First round 32 16.62 20.96 18.5921.0325.4316.6223.27
CubeIowa 2019 Second round 23 16.03 21.46 20.5321.0922.7516.0323.21
First round 23 19.11 23.12 25.2723.3020.7819.1130.25
Virtual Cubing 2019 Second round 24 17.47 19.81 22.0419.4718.4317.4721.52
First round 25 16.04 21.06 18.8625.1324.3120.0016.04
Sioux Falls Summer 2018 First round 40 17.28 22.19 20.3924.4022.8617.2823.33
South Dakota First 2018 Second round 28 25.14 28.94 29.1025.1432.3432.6525.37
First round 35 22.97 35.23 39.2336.4733.0236.1922.97
CubeIowa 2018 First round 66 29.47 33.24 50.7932.5729.4733.0234.14
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