Sarthak Gupta

Completed Solves
India 2018GUPT05 Male 6 139

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 446 4127 11646 9.18 11.30 12058 4398 442
2x2x2 Cube 1145 6792 25171 3.18 3.86 9845 2661 423
4x4x4 Cube 209 2296 6510 38.41 41.86 4903 1751 161
5x5x5 Cube 216 2570 7826 1:26.47 1:49.29 11268 3630 334
3x3x3 One-Handed 1191 8666 23485 26.30 30.87 21243 8077 1089
Pyraminx 3616 17457 66013 10.90 14.78 60812 16393 3258
Skewb 1293 8042 32606 9.64 14.19 32061 8034 1256
3x3x3 Cube
Moksha Cubing 2023 Second round 16 9.35 12.08 13.2011.069.3519.7811.98
First round 14 10.64 11.40 10.9611.8710.6412.9611.37
Shri Ram Cubing Challenge 2023 Second round 22 9.18 12.33 9.1812.2812.8414.4411.87
First round 13 10.10 11.30 11.2213.6710.1011.4911.20
Mathsoc Delhi Open 2023 Second round 28 10.76 13.65 15.7113.1813.5214.2410.76
First round 24 10.88 13.20 15.0312.6810.8817.0911.89
Delhi Cubing Heat Wave 2018 First round 59 20.22 23.63 28.6420.9920.2227.2322.68
MathSoc Open 2018 First round 90 27.17 38.95 37.1542.4827.1743.7437.23
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