Filip Kleczewski

Completed Solves
Poland 2018KLEC02 Male 6 214

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 530 4162 15738 9.85 12.82 20697 5278 658
2x2x2 Cube 1224 10542 34320 3.65 5.26 29549 8715 1044
4x4x4 Cube 400 3212 11164 43.86 47.99 9278 2608 339
5x5x5 Cube 170 1289 4361 1:13.84 1:22.27 4393 1272 159
6x6x6 Cube 120 915 3049 2:26.40 2:40.53 3268 967 127
7x7x7 Cube 132 1037 3527 4:05.74 4:30.45 3814 1133 144
3x3x3 One-Handed 930 9003 34412 33.55 38.27 30462 7867 781
Megaminx 606 4906 15903 2:18.81
Pyraminx 138 750 2003 2.44 5.64 5370 1837 284
Skewb 1268 10111 31272 9.31 12.58 26942 8705 1122
Square-1 797 6791 20047 1:19.91
3x3x3 Cube
Project Kedzierzyn-Kozle 2021 Second round 36 11.45 13.10 14.3911.7513.6813.8611.45
First round 34 9.85 12.82 14.709.8512.5812.8313.05
Byczy Cube Race 2019 Second round 35 16.12 19.93 20.7219.0220.1516.1220.63
First round 29 14.55 17.09 18.7315.0414.5518.6517.59
Polish Open 2018 Second round 73 14.60 16.72 16.0420.1916.0414.6018.07
First round 83 14.04 18.67 20.6316.5020.6514.0418.89
Pszczyna Open 2018 Second round 41 17.50 18.82 17.5018.3822.1819.8618.23
First round 45 13.88 20.06 22.2013.8821.3218.0320.83
Ekonomik Elektryk Cube Race 2018 Second round 34 18.35 19.64 19.4019.9223.9219.6118.35
First round 37 15.88 21.22 21.0415.8819.4223.2124.15
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