Konrad Kozioł

Completed Solves
Poland 2018KOZI01 Male 4 132

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 390 3069 11411 9.14 10.17 6985 1875 241
2x2x2 Cube 1331 11781 38944 3.88 5.10 26827 7940 949
4x4x4 Cube 250 1897 6603 38.52 40.60 4167 1207 160
5x5x5 Cube 400 3635 12136 1:41.44 1:42.70 9595 2838 321
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 126 1152 2702 34
3x3x3 One-Handed 374 3305 12348 19.95 31.82 22538 5767 619
Pyraminx 320 1979 5442 3.45 5.79 5797 1967 295
Skewb 576 3904 11345 5.11 14.12 31853 10220 1290
3x3x3 Cube
Santa Claus Cube Race Poland 2019 Second round 24 9.14 10.17 10.2211.119.149.5010.78
First round 34 11.14 11.85 16.5611.3811.2412.9311.14
Project Jastrzębie-Zdrój 2019 Second round 36 12.52 13.69 12.5214.3213.1316.5613.61
First round 23 9.38 11.75 12.4212.1210.7012.949.38
Project Będzin 2019 Second round 36 12.78 14.95 16.8313.0312.7823.6515.00
First round 28 11.44 13.08 12.5113.6513.07DNF11.44
Dragon Cubing 2018 Second round 67 16.77 19.28 21.4216.7719.8720.1617.80
First round 55 15.05 16.84 15.0517.5317.1527.5215.83
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