Abhi Majumdar

Completed Solves
United States 2018MAJU03 Male 8 271

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3713 4841 18699 10.29 12.20 16952 4351 3317
2x2x2 Cube 1382 1738 6330 1.95 4.18 13392 3767 2932
4x4x4 Cube 3144 4322 17498 50.61 54.08 14245 3491 2547
5x5x5 Cube 2102 2860 10839 1:36.99 1:48.03 10931 2909 2141
6x6x6 Cube 1766 2361 8056 3:37.80 3:51.58 7605 2256 1705
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 1269 1684 7790 48 54.67 4613 1067 819
3x3x3 One-Handed 4624 6322 25578 27.60 34.75 26271 6497 4759
Clock 4689 5668 17579 23.75 29.97 16075 5308 4400
Megaminx 1614 2245 8171 1:31.89 1:49.36 9118 2528 1825
Pyraminx 2954 3810 14751 5.11 8.13 15351 3879 3012
Skewb 2864 3675 13152 5.49 8.12 11348 3100 2384
Square-1 956 1161 3449 15.19 19.92 3132 1054 867
3x3x3 Cube
2x2 in a Madison Lodge 2022 Second round 28 10.91 14.33 13.2410.9114.2015.5515.78
First round 24 12.67 13.27 13.1913.4312.6713.5013.20
Iowa Fall 2022 Second round 26 10.54 12.36 10.9812.4713.6214.4610.54
First round 27 10.29 12.20 10.2913.4511.7315.2111.43
Rochester Fall 2022 Second round 36 12.26 13.80 14.3013.7315.7412.2613.36
First round 37 13.18 14.45 13.1814.7113.8814.7716.02
Cubing Peoria 2022 Second round 37 10.68 17.52 17.7510.6822.0218.7416.08
First round 29 15.25 15.83 16.3715.7815.2516.2315.47
North Star Cubing Challenge 2020 Second round 33 12.63 17.15 17.6217.9412.6318.0615.88
First round 39 13.18 18.10 19.1013.1818.3916.80DNF
CubingUSA Great Lakes Championship 2019 First round 105 13.25 22.45 18.0713.2526.4323.6725.61
Cubing Peoria 2019 First round 46 21.29 24.02 25.8821.2925.9423.1922.98
Indianapolis Fall 2018 First round 51 21.97 25.21 29.5221.9726.2925.5023.84
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