Sanjeeva Nimalan Manimuthu

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
India 2018MANI09 Male 1 9

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 13182 66512 209180 52.80 1:04.99 207685 65500 13026
2x2x2 Cube 9143 42526 148057 18.15 26.92 145392 41763 8886
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Cubetcha 2018 First round 89 52.80 1:04.99 1:09.551:13.0052.801:05.4659.96
2x2x2 Cube
Cubetcha 2018 First round 88 18.15 26.92 18.15DNF35.2125.8819.67
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