Chew Kai Siong Matthias

Completed Solves
Singapore 2018MATT02 Male 3 36

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 62 1868 5695 7.94 10.08 6634 2343 71
2x2x2 Cube 259 9892 35561 3.71 4.99 25098 7369 233
4x4x4 Cube 251 11319 34512 1:11.66
3x3x3 Cube
Singapore AMK CC Cubing A 2023 Second round 15 7.94 10.08 10.5513.7210.249.467.94
First round 24 10.41 12.37 10.4112.9712.3311.8214.74
Singapore Cube Championship 2019 Second round 26 11.97 12.54 14.2811.9712.6112.8012.22
First round 29 10.15 12.12 17.1910.9010.8314.6310.15
Singapore Cube Championship 2018 First round 44 11.81 13.57 15.0313.0916.1111.8112.58
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