Pedro Vítor de Oliveira Monte

Completed Solves
Brazil 2018MONT04 Male 2 70

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 720 3059 39047 12.81 14.57 32463 2430 560
2x2x2 Cube 1263 5114 65201 5.16 5.96 41736 3042 706
4x4x4 Cube 500 2495 31968 1:08.25 1:12.12 27445 2138 421
3x3x3 One-Handed 535 2150 26521 28.16 33.74 25040 2028 497
Square-1 124 396 6321 21.11 33.22 7930 517 160

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 2 0
3x3x3 Cube
II Recife Open 2018 Final 2 12.81 14.57 15.4815.3016.8412.9212.81
Second round 4 14.17 15.44 14.1715.8115.7514.7516.81
First round 7 14.02 17.18 18.0518.4014.0215.5617.92
Paço Alfândega Recife 2018 Final 6 13.81 14.87 14.6720.9013.8115.0814.85
Second round 8 14.19 15.15 15.3915.2515.8814.1914.80
First round 10 15.86 17.41 16.1618.1517.9219.4715.86
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