Azmaeen Faiq Muaz

Completed Solves
Bangladesh 2018MUAZ01 Male 3 113

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 40 3057 8779 8.64 11.59 13554 4970 65
2x2x2 Cube 88 9891 35557 3.71 4.48 17440 4961 33
4x4x4 Cube 76 7864 22998 56.85 1:00.58 19612 6842 66
3x3x3 Fewest Moves 18 2127 7796 48
3x3x3 One-Handed 30 2991 8126 17.42 20.49 6753 2534 28
Pyraminx 114 10623 40036 8.05 8.97 20187 5735 58
3x3x3 Cube
Knights Cubing Open 2019 Final 4 9.35 11.63 14.279.3510.7611.3512.79
Second round 5 8.64 11.59 11.6811.14DNF8.6411.94
First round 13 10.47 12.88 12.1412.7210.4713.7714.37
Monsoon Cube Open Bangladesh 2018 Final 12 12.43 13.73 19.0314.5812.4312.5214.08
Second round 7 10.60 12.51 14.2610.9612.3215.1410.60
First round 11 10.76 13.29 15.4211.2010.7613.5115.17
Dhaka Spring Open 2018 Semi Final 14 11.13 13.33 11.1311.9014.1713.9315.38
Second round 23 12.19 14.68 12.1916.4915.3315.1913.53
First round 20 12.75 14.64 14.7713.7515.4023.3312.75
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