Ella Newlin

Completed Solves
United States 2018NEWL02 Female 3 161

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 7454 9911 39008 12.81 14.72 33530 8463 6368
2x2x2 Cube 9076 11926 42603 4.06 5.34 30806 8627 6629
4x4x4 Cube 3966 5436 21580 55.25 1:01.94 20541 5166 3763
5x5x5 Cube 3002 4033 14942 1:52.20 1:57.32 13101 3527 2628
6x6x6 Cube 2500 3319 11015 4:39.91 4:52.03 9276 2779 2092
7x7x7 Cube 2437 3271 10830 8:56.32
3x3x3 One-Handed 6455 8824 34774 33.86 42.98 35148 9034 6630
Clock 5463 6565 20014 29.93 43.95 17809 5928 4913
Megaminx 1818 2523 9104 1:37.04 2:03.42 11064 3166 2299
Pyraminx 5792 7458 27488 6.69 8.35 16562 4234 3287
Skewb 6991 8858 29131 8.83 13.11 28668 8728 6908
Square-1 3151 3897 11887 33.53 42.86 11066 3667 2964
3x3x3 Cube
Copper Country Cubing Fall 2019 Final 7 13.92 14.72 14.3216.2714.1613.9215.69
Second round 14 14.49 16.10 15.4414.4915.4217.4517.95
First round 12 13.99 16.05 15.6116.8019.0113.9915.74
CubingUSA Great Lakes Championship 2019 Second round 62 13.96 16.24 18.7314.6915.7713.9618.26
First round 79 12.81 18.24 20.4912.8128.2217.8616.38
Wiscube 2018 Second round 46 15.60 17.68 15.6018.5116.0819.4518.46
First round 45 15.82 17.34 15.8216.9018.3017.5317.59
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