Ansh Patel

Completed Solves
United States 2018PATE03 Male 6 112

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 7195 9569 37678 12.64 15.13 36593 9251 6974
2x2x2 Cube 7750 10180 36571 3.76 5.17 28011 7846 6031
4x4x4 Cube 7309 9830 37037 1:15.30 1:26.36 34953 9488 7132
3x3x3 One-Handed 4916 6708 27061 28.49 34.20 25659 6313 4628
Pyraminx 4427 5690 21477 5.99 19.16 83212 24380 19031
Skewb 6793 8598 28392 8.64 14.50 32952 10223 8107
3x3x3 Cube
SacCubing VII 2019 Second round 26 13.64 15.56 17.9614.8913.6417.6314.16
First round 31 14.94 16.48 16.9915.7316.7214.9422.83
SacCubing VI 2019 Second round 32 13.61 15.13 16.2914.8917.1114.2113.61
First round 32 13.46 15.21 13.4616.0114.1716.7015.45
SacCubing V 2018 Second round 44 16.98 17.90 18.1519.3616.9817.4518.10
First round 44 15.17 17.47 15.1715.89DNF18.6217.91
West Coast Cubing Tour - Fresno 2018 Second round 35 16.61 19.80 16.6120.0923.7219.3419.96
First round 29 12.64 18.10 12.6419.1517.6219.3017.52
SacCubing IV 2018 First round 53 15.63 21.24 21.8921.8719.9725.1115.63
SacCubing III 2018 First round 139 21.74 29.53 31.4028.1621.7429.1431.30
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