Platon Pechenev (Платон Печенев)

Completed Solves
Russia 2018PECH01 Male 3 89

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1049 12799 51441 14.26 20.52 73631 17976 1558
2x2x2 Cube 718 9444 30381 3.45 7.57 68425 19124 1658
4x4x4 Cube 1468 16662 57008 1:54.57 2:38.22 45398 12804 1166
3x3x3 Blindfolded 176 2304 7024 3:59.54
3x3x3 One-Handed 1353 13397 49988 51.95
Clock 544 7252 20985 32.87
Megaminx 743 8056 24686 3:39.11 3:51.30 16475 4997 503
Pyraminx 1497 14565 45751 8.64 10.95 33426 10827 1092
Skewb 703 8423 25653 8.05 15.95 36912 11761 1067
Square-1 395 4443 13452 38.18 51.59 12994 4211 387
3x3x3 Cube
Volga Open 2019 Second round 20 17.72 20.52 21.6517.7219.4720.4422.22
First round 20 14.26 20.63 14.2620.0435.1023.6118.25
Kalmykia Open 2018 Second round 26 22.77 26.40 23.9827.5422.7727.6729.07
First round 26 25.82 27.93 25.8230.4630.5427.4925.83
HSE Open 2018 First round 94 20.49 27.33 31.6228.3920.4927.8025.80
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