Aaron Perez

Completed Solves
Peru 2018PERE23 Male 4 42

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 493 2250 29460 11.67 15.02 35914 2722 611
3x3x3 One-Handed 364 1699 21207 24.89 26.43 14969 1155 274
3x3x3 Cube
Peru Nationals 2019 First round 138 15.81 23.16 30.0615.8121.7931.6817.62
La Tienda Cubera Christmas 2018 Second round 32 12.72 15.02 14.6915.6317.5312.7214.75
First round 32 14.69 16.15 20.7814.6915.6916.1116.64
LTC Kids 2018 Second round 38 11.67 19.17 23.3218.0020.3211.6719.20
First round 38 18.41 19.94 28.7218.6220.6720.5218.41
Torneo Activa Club 2018 First round 80 19.61 21.79 24.3419.6923.7719.6121.91
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