Jhon Alexis García Portilla

Completed Solves
Colombia 2018PORT02 Male 4 193

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 514 2791 36308 12.48 14.76 34016 2554 457
2x2x2 Cube 530 2399 31307 3.49 5.46 33041 2362 475
4x4x4 Cube 265 1339 17634 50.69 55.49 15490 1159 227
5x5x5 Cube 238 1150 16344 1:57.82 2:05.59 14837 1023 206
3x3x3 One-Handed 252 1487 18755 23.52 27.70 16889 1322 212
Megaminx 231 1102 11183 1:48.32 2:00.23 10732 1055 225
Pyraminx 1260 5491 74117 11.94 15.79 67325 4811 1116
Skewb 252 1017 15182 5.90 8.43 12437 820 201
3x3x3 Cube
Cudeero Open 2023 Final 8 13.81 15.73 17.2616.8013.8114.8615.52
Second round 7 13.98 14.76 16.0414.6613.9815.4314.20
First round 7 13.45 15.89 19.0015.7217.7214.2213.45
La Fantástica Open 2022 Final 12 15.26 15.99 15.9818.7315.6416.3415.26
Second round 11 15.07 15.81 18.7115.0716.3015.7815.36
First round 13 15.27 15.81 17.7916.1615.6915.5915.27
Cartagena Open 2019 Final 8 14.58 18.13 19.1719.0814.5816.1520.01
Second round 9 16.94 18.65 21.7417.4520.6917.8216.94
First round 10 15.93 18.53 18.4720.2115.9316.9121.29
UTB Open 2018 Final 11 14.67 19.20 23.9317.2119.6714.6720.73
Second round 10 12.48 17.76 12.4820.7415.7816.7721.12
First round 16 14.44 19.29 21.4318.7717.6814.4424.08
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