Abay Pusyrmanov (Абай Пусырманов)

Completed Solves
Kazakhstan 2018PUSY01 Male 3 121

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 38 2704 7858 8.45 10.00 6318 2227 33
2x2x2 Cube 116 5719 21566 2.99 4.02 11571 3181 58
Megaminx 131 4730 19807 2:47.33 2:55.62 15151 3831 112
Pyraminx 39 1843 6962 3.79 6.64 8643 2499 54
Skewb 86 4033 15642 6.01 8.39 12251 3383 70
Square-1 64 2832 12833 36.21 48.43 12440 2760 63
3x3x3 Cube
Save Ramir Cubing Kazakhstan 2023 Final 8 8.45 10.00 10.428.978.4510.6410.61
Second round 11 9.22 11.56 9.2210.4914.1011.0313.17
First round 10 10.00 11.02 11.3810.2410.0011.4511.55
KSF Almaty City 2019 Second round 26 13.82 15.16 14.9316.6013.9517.6413.82
First round 36 15.98 17.38 16.8517.3215.9817.98DNF
Almaty Summer 2018 Semi Final 33 17.24 21.26 22.7018.7629.5622.3217.24
Second round 38 19.55 20.87 23.4020.5121.2719.5520.83
First round 46 21.09 23.16 23.1727.1723.9421.0922.37
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