Caio Castello Grandi Ribeiro

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Brazil 2018RIBE03 Male 3 111

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1482 6085 72670 16.86 18.91 63234 5136 1237
2x2x2 Cube 1057 4343 55655 4.68 6.89 57955 4253 1006
4x4x4 Cube 1153 4657 60688 2:05.49 2:16.40 44415 3729 970
3x3x3 One-Handed 674 2621 32174 31.88 38.74 31056 2532 644
Megaminx 303 1317 13473 2:02.69 2:15.03 12344 1202 281
Pyraminx 361 1560 21596 6.00 11.15 34933 2426 575
Skewb 433 1705 27339 8.40 11.45 23061 1441 343
Square-1 112 352 5642 19.62 29.02 6432 398 126

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 0
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
KubeKids Vila Velha 2019 Second round 11 16.86 19.61 20.4818.9616.8625.9019.38
First round 11 16.91 18.91 19.0120.6717.0422.3716.91
Canela Verde 2019 Second round 13 17.70 21.18 19.3017.7022.7221.5323.06
First round 9 18.43 21.27 18.4323.1821.7918.8423.53
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 Second round 15 22.44 27.76 25.9028.7922.4433.4828.60
First round 18 24.69 32.15 32.7729.2124.6935.0934.46
2x2x2 Cube
KubeKids Vila Velha 2019 First round 13 4.68 6.89 6.877.274.688.756.52
Canela Verde 2019 First round 9 6.05 7.22 10.386.797.816.057.05
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 First round 10 7.72 9.31 DNF9.647.7210.547.76
4x4x4 Cube
KubeKids Vila Velha 2019 Final 15 2:05.49 2:16.40 2:05.492:08.552:35.052:05.59DNF
3x3x3 One-Handed
KubeKids Vila Velha 2019 First round 12 31.88 38.74 50.8540.1742.9131.8833.15
Canela Verde 2019 First round 9 33.10 43.35 44.131:05.0533.1041.7744.15
KubeKids Vila Velha 2019 Final 7 2:14.44 2:17.50 2:14.442:14.802:23.942:14.652:23.04
Canela Verde 2019 Final 8 2:02.69 2:15.03 2:14.132:19.232:16.082:14.882:02.69
KubeKids Vila Velha 2019 Final 5 9.12 11.15 9.3912.2511.809.12DNF
First round 6 6.00 11.21 13.0612.256.008.3114.46
Canela Verde 2019 First round 9 8.16 12.46 8.1617.949.4216.1611.81
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 First round 8 12.88 16.66 15.4616.9712.8817.54DNF
Canela Verde 2019 Final 5 9.83 11.83 11.6311.819.8322.0312.06
First round 5 8.40 11.45 9.368.4012.9812.0116.39
KubeKids Vila Velha 2019 Final 5 22.08 29.02 25.8831.3929.7937.7722.08
Canela Verde 2019 Final 2 19.62 34.82 37.1836.2534.7933.4119.62
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 Final 4 55.86 1:07.46 1:17.941:08.4255.861:15.8258.13
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