Anderson Rojas

Completed Solves
Peru 2018ROJA09 Male 7 218

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 84 414 6528 8.14 10.67 9106 568 125
2x2x2 Cube 449 2266 29539 3.40 4.52 18059 1250 275
4x4x4 Cube 87 383 5331 36.79 43.97 6316 464 105
5x5x5 Cube 67 308 4814 1:15.52 1:29.74 6223 413 85
6x6x6 Cube 47 233 3709 2:35.64 2:47.69 3759 238 49
7x7x7 Cube 52 247 4019 4:18.41 4:23.29 3563 223 47
3x3x3 One-Handed 239 1017 13204 20.42 23.86 11241 854 209

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 1 0
3x3x3 Cube
A Romper Tu PB Lima 2020 Final 9 9.90 10.84 9.9210.7411.8614.309.90
Second round 9 8.47 11.07 11.4411.7310.0313.798.47
First round 12 9.72 11.60 16.029.7211.1410.0813.59
La Tienda Cubera Christmas 2019 Final 9 10.20 11.22 10.2011.3412.0010.4411.88
Second round 6 8.14 10.67 11.3612.1910.188.1410.46
First round 13 9.88 11.87 14.4510.4713.1811.969.88
Peru Nationals 2019 Final 11 10.99 11.61 11.3811.9612.6911.5010.99
Semi Final 10 9.84 11.10 9.8422.4811.7310.2111.36
Second round 40 10.90 13.16 10.9014.4713.7311.2715.07
First round 6 9.99 11.04 9.9912.3810.3311.8910.91
La Tienda Cubera Christmas 2018 Final 7 10.55 11.71 11.4813.5211.2410.5512.40
Second round 6 10.09 11.00 10.0912.7011.6710.1011.24
First round 11 11.36 12.59 12.5312.3211.3612.9217.98
LTC Kids 2018 Final 12 12.07 13.13 12.8514.0912.0717.2312.45
Second round 12 11.52 12.92 12.7414.2511.7711.5215.87
First round 25 13.13 15.87 18.5622.1913.1313.7315.31
Peru Nationals 2018 Second round 61 13.79 15.61 16.5316.0714.6816.0813.79
First round 23 12.20 12.77 12.2013.2513.8812.7812.28
FIGHT Peru 2018 Second round 59 13.93 15.03 14.1914.9215.9920.2113.93
First round 61 13.14 14.69 22.6716.0613.1413.3114.71
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