Nicolas Senzano

Completed Solves
Bolivia 2018SENZ01 Male 3 30

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1235 16271 175005 36.14 42.29 169776 15674 1184
2x2x2 Cube 552 8353 102544 7.48 17.18 132990 11234 749
3x3x3 Cube
Unifranz Cubing Fest 2019 First round 38 38.95 42.29 41.1838.9545.7045.7539.99
San Rafael Summer 2019 First round 39 36.14 43.17 41.1236.1452.0441.8146.59
San Rafael 50 Aniversario 2018 Second round 31 43.27 57.63 43.271:06.2451.041:42.3255.62
First round 35 48.52 52.76 54.0548.5252.6451.6057.14
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