Maria Clara Campioto da Silva

Completed Solves
Brazil 2018SILV75 Female 3 69

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2347 9242 106916 21.67 26.65 109020 9345 2369
2x2x2 Cube 1440 5782 73593 5.60 8.15 76494 5853 1450
4x4x4 Cube 748 3477 44127 1:27.28 1:35.66 38098 3055 678
5x5x5 Cube 421 1756 24928 2:43.82 2:57.73 20424 1517 382
Clock 371 1065 18874 26.67 36.31 17154 1035 366
Megaminx 628 2120 24193 3:32.89
Pyraminx 1383 5239 70694 11.52 15.90 67616 4844 1243
3x3x3 Cube
Open UTF ao Cubo 2019 Second round 18 25.42 26.65 30.6825.4226.4625.9027.58
First round 21 21.67 28.26 21.6735.6632.0724.7827.94
Capivara Sunrise 2019 First round 36 30.93 37.80 30.9341.0938.3733.95DNF
II Barueri Open 2018 First round 51 45.61 56.93 45.6154.581:20.531:06.5049.72
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