Thalys Alexandro de Oliveira Soares

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Brazil 2018SOAR02 Male 1 19

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
4x4x4 Cube 1229 4854 63788 2:17.14 2:30.34 45162 3814 1022
5x5x5 Cube 648 2219 33427 4:39.51
Megaminx 761 2346 27139 4:28.26
Pyraminx 2288 8159 102615 19.60 43.77 105506 8313 2483
Square-1 471 1292 19563 1:13.67 1:35.35 15722 1115 433
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
4x4x4 Cube
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 First round 10 2:17.14 2:30.34 2:17.142:46.162:24.852:22.942:43.24
5x5x5 Cube
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 Final 9 4:39.51 4:39.515:24.63
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 Final 10 4:28.26 4:53.104:28.26
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 First round 14 19.60 43.77 33.511:46.4519.6031.291:06.50
I Torneio de Cubo do Praia 2018 Final 5 1:13.67 1:35.35 1:37.731:13.672:36.921:31.251:37.06
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