Vladimir Strelkov (Владимир Стрелков)

Completed Solves
Russia 2018STRE05 Male 3 116

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 404 5949 23033 10.88 12.16 16758 4318 283
2x2x2 Cube 379 5777 17639 2.77 6.70 54668 15414 1253
4x4x4 Cube 509 6311 22465 56.22 1:02.58 21078 5907 476
5x5x5 Cube 457 5683 18690 2:08.65 2:35.70 18955 5686 472
3x3x3 One-Handed 233 2706 10020 18.61 25.13 12980 3400 328
Pyraminx 267 3738 10541 4.45 7.07 10319 3525 297

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
0 0 1
3x3x3 Cube
Ural Winter 2019 Final 12 12.26 16.32 12.2620.1420.4215.3813.43
First round 10 12.26 14.42 12.3212.2616.3515.5315.40
Ural Open 2018 Final 5 11.63 12.16 12.4716.1511.6311.9912.02
Second round 11 11.75 14.58 11.7518.1514.6014.1015.03
First round 8 10.88 13.62 12.4416.5912.3816.0310.88
Miass Open 2018 Final 4 14.02 15.17 15.2715.9015.3714.0214.86
Second round 3 11.75 13.73 11.7513.3913.3914.4114.59
First round 4 13.00 14.90 15.7516.2715.8313.0013.13
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