Clever Isaac Quijano Taipe

Completed Solves
Peru 2018TAIP01 Male 5 109

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 206 897 13153 9.43 11.83 14996 1025 226
2x2x2 Cube 89 432 6170 1.93 3.91 10428 719 158
4x4x4 Cube 332 1594 20610 54.03 56.44 16360 1228 262
5x5x5 Cube 127 655 9812 1:33.20 1:46.38 10573 715 136
3x3x3 One-Handed 76 322 4259 14.62 19.28 5328 400 105
Pyraminx 169 967 13567 4.92 7.36 11644 799 156
Square-1 104 939 14148 40.64
3x3x3 Cube
Open PUCP Cubing Community 2024 Semi Final 23 10.34 11.83 11.0612.0510.3412.3916.09
Second round 25 9.70 11.98 11.639.7012.2612.0420.01
First round 30 9.43 13.16 14.5611.7913.519.4314.18
Peru Nationals 2019 Semi Final 37 11.23 12.95 11.2312.6212.8014.2813.43
Second round 29 9.43 12.44 12.7015.2212.0012.619.43
First round 68 12.27 15.13 16.6314.3912.2714.3820.92
LTC Kids 2018 Second round 32 14.82 17.61 22.3614.8216.6115.2920.92
First round 41 16.90 23.52 17.44DNF24.5116.9028.61
Peru Nationals 2018 First round 125 16.12 19.12 16.1218.4019.4019.5727.31
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