Daniel Elijah V. Vasquez

Completed Solves
Philippines 2018VASQ10 Male 3 50

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 593 5915 16578 9.98 12.92 21340 7962 794
2x2x2 Cube 2032 22287 75595 5.70 7.21 62966 19048 1731
4x4x4 Cube 1703 17580 62014 2:10.38 2:23.41 44758 13701 1414
3x3x3 One-Handed 1326 12584 35328 34.26 40.99 33416 11954 1277
3x3x3 Cube
Metro Speedcubing Open 2019 Second round 25 11.70 13.12 13.9613.5512.3013.5011.70
First round 37 9.98 13.89 17.2813.9615.7811.929.98
San Jose Del Monte Cube Open 2019 First round 17 10.84 12.92 10.8415.0913.9911.7912.99
Fairview Cube Day 2018 Second round 29 12.24 17.23 17.2418.0512.2418.1916.40
First round 28 13.31 15.13 13.3117.4616.2115.3013.87
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