Anthony Whiting

Completed Solves
Canada 2018WHIT06 Male 3 30

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3246 24360 92335 19.52 22.32 84817 22114 2956
2x2x2 Cube 3548 25968 90766 6.60 9.29 90255 25801 3534
Pyraminx 3164 23877 81714 13.17 15.89 67721 19687 2611
3x3x3 Cube
Chilliwack Cubes Fall 2019 First round 49 19.52 22.32 23.5523.6919.7226.9419.52
Vancouver Select 2018 First round 94 51.26 57.87 57.0251.2653.921:02.681:05.84
St. John's Spring Open 2018 First round 74 30.00 44.07 49.4557.1743.0839.6930.00
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