Destin Yee

Completed Solves
United States 2018YEED01 Male 5 76

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5065 6685 26143 11.29 14.68 33254 8399 6319
4x4x4 Cube 10950 14546 52031 1:42.69
3x3x3 One-Handed 6709 9173 36005 34.87 50.57 40517 10684 7885
Pyraminx 7063 9082 33007 7.30 10.99 33626 9192 7158
3x3x3 Cube
Colonie Spring 2019 Second round 28 13.41 14.68 14.9714.5814.6714.8013.41
First round 34 11.29 15.84 26.9116.9912.7817.7611.29
Binghamton Winter 2019 Second round 21 14.13 17.59 DNF18.8817.6616.2414.13
First round 17 13.35 15.28 13.3514.7716.0615.0217.04
Liberty Science Center Open 2018 Second round 34 12.42 15.49 17.0815.8115.6012.4215.05
First round 36 12.78 14.81 13.7015.7215.0215.7612.78
MIT Fall 2018 First round 57 12.45 16.32 15.6212.4517.6319.9515.72
Brooklyn 2018 Second round 54 15.07 17.54 18.8520.3916.4615.0717.30
First round 63 13.69 19.21 23.3619.3717.6413.6920.63
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