Xing Zhou (周星)

Completed Solves
China 2018ZHOU14 Male 4 133

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2282 6972 19389 10.38 11.62 13726 5043 1670
2x2x2 Cube 1210 4132 15966 2.67 5.05 26062 7667 2431
4x4x4 Cube 2120 5996 17063 50.10 55.93 15845 5606 2023
5x5x5 Cube 1387 4144 12886 1:44.22 1:58.60 13431 4245 1406
3x3x3 One-Handed 1600 4543 12274 19.91 22.69 9541 3652 1326
Pyraminx 2910 9074 34268 7.43 9.40 22844 6401 2253
Skewb 1860 5657 22093 7.31 13.34 29424 7474 2442
3x3x3 Cube
Xi'an New Year 2025 Second round 59 10.38 11.62 12.0213.7310.3811.5311.32
First round 65 10.98 12.30 11.8723.6811.6810.9813.34
Lanzhou Autumn 2019 Final 8 11.40 12.67 12.9212.6711.4012.4213.78
Second round 8 12.16 12.59 12.1612.7712.3813.6912.63
First round 12 12.55 13.73 12.5514.1615.0012.6314.39
Lanzhou Autumn 2018 Second round 10 12.41 13.16 13.9312.4113.0312.8913.57
First round 24 13.78 17.00 22.9015.2819.6613.7816.06
Lanzhou Open 2018 Second round 9 12.89 13.90 12.89DNF14.8813.6213.20
First round 19 11.75 16.54 16.4318.9417.8315.3611.75
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