Krishang Agarwal

Completed Solves
India 2019AGAR08 Male 2 99

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 3035 23053 63305 15.77 19.08 63607 23438 3025
2x2x2 Cube 3050 18060 61588 5.01 6.20 45495 13761 2178
4x4x4 Cube 2321 15881 53642 1:47.52 2:01.36 42606 13083 1949
3x3x3 One-Handed 2545 15407 45031 45.01 59.88 43803 14794 2596
Megaminx 582 4235 17004 2:28.29 3:05.32 15285 3876 554
Pyraminx 304 1800 6809 3.78 7.87 13835 3969 628
Skewb 1501 9084 37304 10.97 13.90 30857 7755 1206

Medal Collection

Gold Silver Bronze
4 3 0
3x3x3 Cube
EduLearn-ARIS Ghana Championship 2020 Final 6 17.01 24.34 30.0224.2323.8524.9517.01
Second round 4 17.84 19.08 21.4117.8418.0320.5418.68
First round 5 15.77 19.86 15.7720.6718.9719.9331.04
Ghana Open 2019 Final 1 18.53 23.29 28.0725.8223.5718.5320.48
Second round 1 19.60 21.07 19.6021.3922.1919.6223.98
First round 2 20.56 23.46 20.5645.3522.0323.5524.79
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