Mia Ferrante

Completed Solves
United States 2019FERR01 Female 6 84

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 9463 12596 49490 14.02 17.29 52241 13250 9931
2x2x2 Cube 2910 3776 13646 2.52 5.63 36103 10123 7757
4x4x4 Cube 6167 8335 31808 1:07.90
5x5x5 Cube 4779 6374 22594 2:29.12
Pyraminx 7884 10122 36417 7.65 12.15 42529 11932 9289
Skewb 4644 5919 20236 6.92 12.08 25232 7519 5912
Square-1 4985 6214 18758 1:05.63
3x3x3 Cube
Constitution State Winter 2020 Second round 40 14.02 17.29 17.1118.6025.1714.0216.15
First round 45 15.39 17.56 19.4417.4415.3915.7921.03
Scranton Scramble 2020 First round 58 15.72 19.92 23.0617.8722.5115.7219.37
Colonie Spring 2019 First round 69 20.37 21.72 20.3722.3122.3621.3321.51
Empire State Spring 2019 First round 56 20.76 23.46 20.7623.3226.0721.2125.84
Ridge Cubing 2019 First round 66 20.96 25.06 26.0320.9626.8526.3722.78
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