Tommy Kern

Completed Solves
United States 2019KERN01 Male 1 40

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 13406 17843 69027 16.41 17.93 56510 14367 10757
2x2x2 Cube 2921 3796 13722 2.53 3.83 9552 2710 2107
4x4x4 Cube 9260 12392 45325 1:29.46 1:43.65 40177 11079 8366
5x5x5 Cube 7458 9771 32623 4:15.88
Skewb 13579 17042 52298 16.85 22.19 48984 15999 12733
Square-1 2527 3126 9573 27.93 32.81 7780 2512 2029
3x3x3 Cube
Sioux Fall 2019 Second round 28 16.87 17.93 17.2616.8718.8218.9117.70
First round 29 16.41 18.73 19.4717.1716.4121.0219.56
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