Holden Lester

Completed Solves
United States 2019LEST02 Male 5 119

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2780 3641 13895 9.55 10.81 9728 2539 1963
2x2x2 Cube 4836 6344 22575 3.04 4.86 23056 6480 4982
4x4x4 Cube 6395 8636 32910 1:09.40 1:14.84 29155 7736 5737
3x3x3 One-Handed 4187 5715 23288 26.15 40.52 32987 8405 6177
Pyraminx 13072 16769 58328 9.97 13.07 49359 14012 10913
Skewb 11505 14457 44948 13.26 15.96 37027 11686 9291
Square-1 2384 2944 9032 26.69 36.77 9245 3027 2446
3x3x3 Cube
ROC the Cube 2024 Final 11 9.55 11.07 11.5910.7212.7810.899.55
Second round 6 10.16 10.81 11.7310.2513.8010.1610.46
First round 15 11.02 12.69 11.0213.3312.2612.4713.66
ROC the Cube 2022 Final 12 9.91 11.50 11.0710.929.9112.5217.58
Second round 16 10.92 12.23 13.0112.0611.8410.9212.78
First round 21 10.29 13.95 15.0412.9713.8310.2915.19
Canandaigua Winter 2020 Second round 16 14.49 15.19 15.4714.4915.6215.1314.98
First round 21 13.53 16.90 20.0513.5318.2415.8416.61
Ken-Ton Cubing 2019 Second round 20 12.98 17.46 16.0412.9818.4617.8923.10
First round 20 14.34 17.15 21.3517.5814.3416.7017.16
Colonie Spring 2019 First round 79 17.64 26.74 17.6420.5018.46DNF41.25
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