Kevin Liu

Completed Solves
Belgium 2019LIUP04 Male 8 309

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 233 13124 52675 14.40 16.13 43828 10887 188
2x2x2 Cube 239 13595 46092 4.22 5.85 39844 11424 189
4x4x4 Cube 59 3316 11502 44.22 52.77 13173 3712 79
5x5x5 Cube 78 4441 14764 1:51.38 2:03.27 14362 4297 76
6x6x6 Cube 55 3152 9945 4:14.25 4:55.60 9363 2939 51
7x7x7 Cube 49 3017 9316 7:04.27
3x3x3 One-Handed 133 8477 32530 32.14 42.17 34520 8960 148
Clock 147 8305 23986 1:10.65
Megaminx 88 4887 15818 2:18.22 2:30.66 13695 4099 83
Pyraminx 147 8536 25600 6.47 12.15 42428 13497 235
Skewb 123 6361 18959 6.68 10.43 19425 6378 128
3x3x3 Cube
Visé Sunday Open 2023 Second round 38 16.45 18.40 19.3618.7317.5118.9716.45
First round 39 17.20 18.59 19.4718.5517.2021.5717.75
Brugge Saturday Open 2022 Final 31 14.40 17.23 17.4321.5516.6114.4017.66
Second round 36 16.41 18.30 19.5518.9016.4118.7417.25
First round 34 14.80 17.79 18.4314.8016.8019.4418.15
Annuntia Sunday Open 2022 Final 33 16.06 17.57 19.4716.0617.2016.0919.42
Second round 29 15.06 16.13 15.0616.1715.7122.3616.52
First round 34 16.12 17.22 18.1417.1317.8516.6816.12
Seraing Open 2021 Second round 62 16.94 18.27 16.9418.5019.5017.8918.43
First round 64 17.45 18.50 17.7119.5517.4520.5418.25
Annuntia Open 2020 Second round 55 15.91 23.06 22.3326.5031.5515.9120.36
First round 52 15.18 19.87 21.5518.2515.1819.8033.41
Seraing Open 2019 Second round 56 19.90 22.11 23.4022.0520.8819.9023.88
First round 58 21.25 22.45 23.0022.3322.2121.2522.80
Belgian Open 2019 Second round 57 20.58 24.82 27.2120.5824.5829.6622.66
First round 51 19.34 21.41 23.1820.5819.3422.5121.15
Belgian Solstice 2019 Second round 49 22.09 28.15 28.0922.2134.1522.0934.46
First round 45 18.17 24.03 26.6322.9722.5034.8118.17
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