Dmitry Manakov (Дмитрий Манаков)

Completed Solves
Russia 2019MANA01 Male 4 91

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 235 4082 15408 9.80 13.17 22958 5831 410
2x2x2 Cube 491 6971 21934 3.01 5.49 33462 9694 682
4x4x4 Cube 425 5359 19010 52.24 56.02 15936 4480 335
7x7x7 Cube 179 2775 8684 6:36.58
3x3x3 One-Handed 1099 10874 41404 40.03 50.64 40600 10577 1098
Megaminx 773 8349 25535 3:52.03
Pyraminx 901 9511 28683 6.82 7.60 12650 4307 382
Skewb 461 6133 18272 6.54 7.80 10262 3437 257
Square-1 293 3545 10724 30.62 37.65 9526 3098 249
3x3x3 Cube
Ural Autumn 2019 Final 15 11.95 15.50 11.95DNF16.9516.3513.21
First round 9 9.80 13.17 16.9012.7912.019.8014.71
Ural Open 2019 Final 7 12.68 13.69 14.9312.7716.0512.6813.37
First round 9 12.88 13.60 15.9912.9412.8813.2414.62
Ural Spring 2019 First round 18 13.49 15.13 13.5313.4916.3015.5518.72
Ural Winter 2019 First round 28 20.09 20.91 20.0920.3622.0223.9820.36
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