Lý Nhật Minh

Completed Solves
Vietnam 2019MINH15 Male 2 43

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 547 9108 25131 11.15 12.18 16936 6247 399
2x2x2 Cube 119 3443 13646 2.52 5.69 37108 11172 513
4x4x4 Cube 239 4468 12703 45.49 53.42 13735 4880 271
Pyraminx 126 5486 20621 5.88 7.18 10803 3117 75
3x3x3 Cube
Ha Noi Championship 2019 Second round 25 11.23 12.37 11.6013.4411.2312.5912.91
First round 27 11.45 12.36 13.0112.0414.0212.0411.45
Ha Noi Cube Day 2019 Final 13 11.15 12.18 12.3912.2613.8711.8811.15
First round 20 11.72 12.85 11.7214.4112.0912.4114.04
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