Nikita Prokosa (Никита Прокоса)

Completed Solves
Russia 2019PROK04 Male 3 69

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 2007 22126 90556 19.26 22.62 86605 21108 1917
2x2x2 Cube 528 7233 22881 3.06 5.77 38419 11026 811
Pyraminx 1909 17993 57800 9.93 12.34 43816 13873 1471
Skewb 1598 15631 49349 15.19 23.49 50638 16004 1647
3x3x3 Cube
Welcome to Murmansk 2021 Second round 16 20.62 23.06 23.3426.4020.6224.6321.21
First round 13 19.26 22.62 25.3531.3919.2622.3920.13
CCC Qualification Murmansk 2019 Second round 30 38.06 44.67 1:00.6738.0644.2450.3939.37
First round 31 40.19 43.64 47.8740.3447.5640.1943.01
Welcome to Murmansk 2019 First round 32 44.62 50.71 46.6144.6256.1249.39DNF
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