Ignacio Segado

Region WCA ID Gender Competitions Completed Solves
Spain 2019SEGA01 Male 2 54

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 1568 24983 102294 21.28 24.78 97092 23675 1453
2x2x2 Cube 1242 18081 63583 5.15 7.01 58457 16481 1087
4x4x4 Cube 890 14003 48471 1:37.24
Pyraminx 1466 20900 68142 11.37 15.06 61201 18843 1263
Skewb 1160 17358 54667 19.73 24.44 50547 15980 1073
Competition Round Place Single Average Solves
3x3x3 Cube
Getafe Continúa 2020 Second round 57 21.28 24.78 28.6624.8121.2827.5721.97
First round 61 25.51 27.31 26.2830.5628.4325.5127.23
2x2x2 Cube
Getafe Continúa 2020 Second round 43 5.15 7.01 5.157.657.006.787.24
First round 46 5.52 7.28 8.355.8211.045.527.67
UPM Open 2019 Second round 58 7.64 9.38 16.6411.207.647.919.02
First round 61 7.33 9.43 9.6610.657.3310.398.24
4x4x4 Cube
Getafe Continúa 2020 First round 49 1:37.24 1:50.281:37.24
UPM Open 2019 First round 65 2:25.00 2:25.003:12.72
Getafe Continúa 2020 First round 50 11.37 15.06 14.7215.7518.3111.3714.72
UPM Open 2019 First round 63 12.80 26.20 12.8024.6726.0927.8329.15
Getafe Continúa 2020 First round 54 20.48 26.83 24.8233.5620.4828.4027.26
UPM Open 2019 First round 52 19.73 24.44 23.6423.6919.7326.6225.98
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