Joshua Stevenson

Completed Solves
United States 2019STEV07 Male 3 81

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 5723 7587 29736 11.70 14.44 31699 8002 6034
2x2x2 Cube 12096 15852 56241 4.70 6.05 43576 12283 9401
4x4x4 Cube 6419 8669 33034 1:09.53 1:27.11 35324 9590 7221
3x3x3 One-Handed 6339 8648 34096 33.24 41.62 34077 8732 6418
Megaminx 2354 3241 11449 1:49.96 2:01.43 10894 3111 2269
Pyraminx 7536 9690 35006 7.49 13.25 50718 14431 11248
Skewb 5992 7587 25408 7.98 14.68 33569 10467 8321
Square-1 4447 5550 16907 52.93
3x3x3 Cube
Lopes Up AZ 2025 Second round 40 14.86 18.29 24.0316.9222.2115.7514.86
First round 34 12.43 18.20 18.2022.5815.8820.5212.43
Prescott Winter 2025 Second round 17 11.70 14.44 14.1914.8217.5114.3111.70
First round 24 13.59 17.84 17.2216.3219.9720.0213.59
OU Winter 2019 Second round 24 20.73 27.44 25.7120.7332.3827.6129.00
First round 25 20.59 25.54 31.1726.4020.5922.7627.46
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