William Walsted Tjellesen

Completed Solves
Denmark 2019TJEL01 Male 3 77

Current Personal Records

Event NR CR WR Single Average WR CR NR
3x3x3 Cube 252 13296 53420 14.49 15.84 41742 10362 192
2x2x2 Cube 237 11463 37763 3.82 5.35 31045 9122 194
Pyraminx 239 11360 34972 7.50 10.96 33499 10855 205
Skewb 140 6464 19360 6.76 9.18 14967 4940 106
3x3x3 Cube
Greve Gymnasium 2020 Second round 31 16.13 16.80 17.1418.9716.1316.4616.80
First round 34 14.49 15.84 18.0614.7514.4917.4915.28
Tårnby Cube Træf 2019 Second round 33 17.33 19.81 17.3318.71DNF22.9417.79
First round 31 17.88 19.28 17.8819.0219.8319.3719.46
Nordic Championship 2019 First round 97 21.26 25.98 22.76DNF21.2631.4423.74
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